The Landscape of Sam Mendes’ 1917


How does the landscape inform our understanding of a First World War film?

In this episode cultural historian Beth Wyatt talks to Angus, Jessica, and Chris about the use of landscape in Sam Mendes’ film 1917. Along the way we discuss how soldiers used the world around them to remember home, the importance of cherry trees, and what the Archers landscape would look like if it was real.


1917 (2019)

The flora of the Somme battlefield: a botanical perspective on a post-conflict landscape by James Alexander Wearn, Andrew Philip Budden, Sarah Catherine Veniard & David Richardson

Environmental Histories of the First World War – Edited by Richard P. Tucker, Tait Keller, J. R. McNeill, & Martin Schmid

Landscapes of the First World War – Edited by Martina Salvante, Selena Daly & Vanda Wilcox

Where Poppies Blow: The British Soldier, Nature, the Great War by John Lewis-Stempel

Destruction of the Ecosystem‘ by Tait Keller

Useful War Memorials, Landscape Preservation and Public Access to the English Countryside: Fitting Tributes to the Fallen of the Great War by Keith Grieves and Jenifer White

George Mackay and Dean-Charles Chapman | Preparing for 1917

The making of 1917 | Mark Strong, Daniel Mays and Andrew Scott

“It’s our burden to learn that story” | Krysty Wilson-Cairns on writing 1917

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