All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)


What happens when you convert a seminal First World War novel into a big budget film?

This month Angus, Jessica, and Chris discuss the 2022 Netflix version of All Quiet on the Western Front. Along the way they debate the importance of timeline changes, the film’s use of violence, and pitch a few alternative films to any listeners from Hollywood.


Lewis Millstone, All Quiet on the Wester Front (1930)

Delbert Mann, All Quiet on the Western Front (1979)

Abel Gance, J’accuse (1919)

Saul Dibb, Journey’s End (2017)

37 Days (2014)

Sam Mendes, 1917 (1919)

Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front (1928)

Frederic Manning, Her Privates We (1929), All Quiet on the Western Front 

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